
To register your organisation as a new Corporate Online customer in Papua New Guinea or Fiji with Westpac, please complete one of the options below.

Basic registration

This Quick Start establishment form will set up Corporate Online with one default office, three administrators and two users for initial setup. The administrators may create any user(s) based on your authorisation requirements.

Custom registration

If your requirements are greater than the Basic Registration please complete the following establishment forms.

Self-service amendments

Corporate Online allows changes to be made within the Administration application. Your organisation Administrator(s) can complete the following amendments:

For further information on how to complete self-service tasks, refer your Administrator(s) to the Using Administration user guide available from the User guides link in the Corporate Online left hand menu.

Corporate Online amendment forms for non self administering amendments

For changes that are not able to be completed online, please complete the following applicable form:

Corporate Online Pacific Organisation Amendment Form (PDF 288KB) : This form is used to add accounts, services, billing and increase the Daily Channel Limit (this form can be signed by Administrators or Directors/Executive Officers)

Corporate Online Pacific Organisation Features Amendment Form (PDF 539KB) : For customers who require changes to be made to their features/authority levels (this form must be signed by Directors/Executive Officers)

Pacific Third Party Amendment Forms (PDF 200KB) : For customers who require access to Third Party accounts (this form must be signed by Directors/Executive Officers or the account and Administrators of the Organisation)

Note: Any data entered into Corporate Online forms that are in PDF writeable format can be saved on to your Computer.

For any enquiries or to lodge the forms, please contact your Westpac Representative.