Report Card Comments & Phrases for All Subjects

Report card comments help parents to understand where their child is growing or struggling as a student. Save time while properly addressing each student's needs with our selection of resources.

Report card comments on student work

Stumped by what to say and tired of writing the same things over and over again while writing report card comments?

Our report card comment resources will help you:

As every teacher knows, report card comments are a critical part to each student's evaluation and assessment—and now one knows your students better than you.

Report card comments help parents to understand where their child is growing or struggling as a student. Are there things that their child excels at or struggles with? The valuable information you provide can help the parent address any challenges their child may be struggling with in the classroom. They can also be used to praise a child's accomplishments and hard work, giving that student the encouragement they deserve.

Our editors gathered hundreds of report card comments, phrases, and ideas for teachers to better evaluate student progress, communicate more effectively, and work more efficiently.

You'll also find handouts to give to parents that include advice on dealing with report cards and grades.

Report Card Comments by Grade

Report Card Comments for Kindergarteners
This list of 96 ready-to-use comments covers academics, personality and attitude, work habits, and social skills for kindergarten report cards.

Report Card Comments for Preschool
This list of 38 ready-to-use comments covers academic subjects, social skills, behavior, and time/task management for preschool report cards.

Looking for more report card comment examples?

Download or purchase over 90+ pages of grading comments examples, tips, and advice for managing student grades.

Report Card Comments by Subject

Report Card Comments for Academic Achievement & Improvement
Creative and applicable academic achievement/improvement comments and phrases to use while completing the report card process.

Report Card Comments - General and Handwriting
General and handwriting comments and phrases to ease the report card crunch. Easy to modify and tailor to individual students.

Report Card Comments for Language Arts & Reading
An assortment of report card comments and phrases focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.

Report Card Comments for Math
Suggested math report card comments and phrases to assist you at the end of every quarter.

Report Card Comments for Science
Science report card comments and phrase for student evaluation during the grading process.

Report Card Comments for Social Studies
Make the most of your report card writing time using these suggested comments and phrases for social studies.

Report Card Comments by Student Topic

Report Card Comments for Citizenship
Help parents and students understand how being a good citizen in the classroom enhances learning and community.

Report Card Comments - End of Year
Provide a fitting look back on the full year in the classroom with these comments and phrases. Appropriate for all grade levels.

Report Card Comments for Personality & Attitude
Comments and phrases appropriate for all students. Also a great resource to prepare for parent-teacher conferences.

Report Card Comments for Work Habits
A set of comments and phrases that can be used to address a student's work habits.

Report Card Comments for Character and Social/Emotional Traits
Help parents and students appreciate the development and importance of 21st Century skills and character traits.

Positive Report Card Comment Descriptions of Student Behavior
An extensive list of verbs and phrases that will help you to prepare positive, descriptive statements about a student's behavior.

Report Card Comments for Distance Learning
A selection of report card comments focused on aspects of student performance during distance learning.

Report Card Comments for ESL Students
This list of 30 ready-to-use report card comments covers language growth, speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills for ESL and ELL report cards.

Advice for Teachers

Advice for Parents