Queensland Drones Strategy

The Queensland Drones Strategy (QDS) has been developed to build upon Queensland’s strengths and leverage the state’s innovation success to take advantage of new and emerging opportunities, complementing the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland initiative. The QDS has been developed through consultation across government, with industry, academia and the general public to ensure the strategy is best able to support the industry now and into the future.

Our vision is that Queensland is a world-leader in drone technology and application. Our drone industry has strong investment and jobs growth, supported by our world-leading research and development capability, a highly-skilled workforce, and is a place where drones complement and enhance peoples’ lives and support our communities.

The vision of the QDS is supported by five key objectives:

Flying drones in Queensland

It's important that all users can pilot their drone safely, considerately and within the rules established by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). The advice below applies whether you fly drones for fun, as part of your work or as your own commercial venture.

Follow the rules

Fly safely

Be considerate

Visit CASA's droneflyer website for more information on rules, training, accreditation and more.

Commercial users can also visit Business Queensland for more information on the use of drones in a commercial setting, including details on funding programs, training subsidies, licenses required and related laws and regulations.

The Queensland Drones Strategy consultation paper

The Queensland Drones Strategy consultation paper was developed as a way to start the discussion on how Queensland can take advantage of the opportunities in the drone industry.

Public consultation closed on 6 October 2017.