Turabian Format Quick Guide

NOTE: The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) 18th edition has been released. However, the Turabian manual (which is based on CMOS) has not yet been updated. Since Liberty University courses use Turabian formatting, no changes will be made in the approved formatting resources until the Turabian manual is updated . All resources in this Quick Guide are based on Turabian’s 9th edition, which is based on CMOS’s 17th edition.

Note to students using Grammarly: See this resource on Grammarly’s Place in the Writing Process (pdf)

Have a formatting question?

Online Students

See a list of all services available to online students at www.liberty.edu/onlinewritingcenter

Residential Students

See a list of all services available to residential students at www.liberty.edu/writing


Turabian Template (dotm) for assignments with NO headings ( NOTE : do not add quotation marks around the titles of your papers; all macro-enabled fields in the template have those marks to denote the macros; just click each field and type your content)

Turabian Template (dotm) for assignments WITH headings ( NOTE : do not add quotation marks around the titles of your papers; all macro-enabled fields in the template have those marks to denote the macros; just click each field and type your content)

Visit the Chicago Manual of Style database in Liberty University’s Jerry Falwell Library by logging in and choosing that database (search for database by name, then “C,” and “Chicago Manual of Style”).

Discussion Board Posts

A discussion board is designed to mimic a real-time discussion between you and your classmates (and sometimes professors), so it should be fairly formal (i.e., proper citations and academic tone), but most can be slightly informal in the sense that if you wanted to refer to something a classmate said, you’d just write something like “As Christy wrote in her initial thread, xyz” or “I appreciate how Mike clarified xyz in his response to Marsha.”

Be sure to check with your professor for his or her expectations if you are required to cite your classmates’ content.

Below is a basic template. Remember to include footnote citations to credit your scholarly sources, along with a corresponding bibliography list. Prepare your thread in MS Word and save that file, then use Control-A to select all content, Control-C to copy all content, and Control-V in Canvas to paste your content.)

Helpful Resources

Video Tutorials

Page Formatting


Title Page


Main Body



Footnotes versus Parenthetical Citations

Notes-Bibliography Citation Style

Author-Date citation style



Material on this page adapted from Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9th ed.