A listing of all licensing fees can be viewed at the Click to Pay link. You may pay your fees with a credit card or submit a check with your application payable to the Board of Occupational Therapy.

Is an address list of Nevada licensed OTs and OTAs available for purchase?

An address list of all licensed OT's and OTA's is available for a fee of $50.00 payable by credit card through the Click to Pay on the website. If preferred, You may submit a written request with check payment. The listing is sent in electronic format to the e-mail address provided; or mailed as requested.

How can I verify my Nevada license?

Click on the link marked "Nevada Licensure Verification" and follow the instructions.

What is the process to verify my license to another state? Is there a fee?

There is a $25.00 fee for verification of licensure to another state or agency. You may request the verification and pay the fee by credit card through the Click to Pay link. Indicate the agency and address to be sent in the Shipping Address of the payment form. You may also request the verification and pay by check through the mail.

Do I need pre-approval to provide my courses to OTs and OTAs in the State of Nevada?

You do not need pre-approval, OTs and OTAs may take any continuing education courses appropriate to their practice.

How often is a license required to be renewed?

A standard license will expire 2 years from date of issuance. You may renew your license up to 60 days prior to the date of expiration.

How long does it take to receive a license in Nevada?

Applications are processed within 3-5 business days after receipt and approval of all required documentation.

What are the continuing education requirements?

A minimum of 24 contact hours of continuing education is required per biennial renewal cycle. A maximum of 10 hours of carryover is allowable towards the following biennial renewal cycle. Documentation is required to renew or reinstate a license.