Application Fee & Fee Waivers

The First-Year application fee is $70 for US Citizens and $85 for International Students. It can be waived for US Citizens and Permanent Residents under one of the following circumstances:

  1. You are submitting an application through the Common App and qualify for one of the automatic fee waivers (no follow-up documentation required).
  2. Submission of the College Board’s College Application Fee Waiver
  3. Submission of the ACT Fee Waiver
  4. Submission of the NACAC Application Fee Waiver(completed by a school official).
Transfer Applicants

The Transfer application fee is $70 for US Citizens and $85 for International Students. At this time transfer application fees cannot be waived.

No applicant will be granted a fee waiver unless they meet one of the qualifications above. Applicants who are classified as international students are ineligible for an application fee waiver.